Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Mommy:  Homer, Can I please have the remote?

Homer:  NO

Mommy:  I really want to watch the news.

Homer:  NO.. NOM NOM

Mommy:  Why are you hogging the remote?

Homer:  I'm waiting for the Royal Wedding

Mommy:  Oh Good Grief!


Kea said...

MOL! Your mom just needs another universal remote, Homer. :-P

-Fuzzy Tales

Freya's Staff said...

Good Grief indeed! At least we all get a day's holiday in Englandshire!


Daniela said...

REALLY???? I'm setting the alarm clock to get up and watch..hahaha. I hope you have a good day in Englandshire..and just know, that I'm jealous.

Homers Mommy

Danielle said...

Remotes are the purrrrrfect size to bunneh kick.

Katnip Lounge said...

Homer, you should get your Mom to record it! Then you can study Kate's dress and flowers to your heart's content.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh no, I sure hope you don't end up missing it!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oooh, we think you need a top hat, too...

The Island Cats said...

Oh Homer! You should have gotten an invitation to that Royal wedding!!


Oh Homer
The wait is almost over!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^ >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

The Crew said...

Mom gets annoyed with us when we step on the remote and change the channel!

Marg said...

Oh Homer, you are silly. Are you getting up tat 4 A.M. to listen to that wedding?? It should be good. Do not let go of that remote. LOL

Daniela said...

HI Auntie Marg, My mom says that we can get up. It won't be a problem with me, but I have a feeling she'll roll over. I hope she gets up, cuz that's usually when I get wound up anyway..


meowmeowmans said...

Homer, are you really going to be up to watch the wedding? We are impressed!

Sparkle said...

And I bet it tastes good too!

Daniela said...

well, mom is going to watch and she'll tell me what's going on..


Admiral Hestorb said...

Homer..share now, Honey boy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, we think it's okay to let yoor mom watch da news fur now...mommy laffed when dad asked if she was gonna get up early to watch da wedding. Mom gets up early to take care of our needs and go clean kitty litters and walk woofies at da shelter, she don't haf time fur no silly weddings.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Doesn't your mom know that mancats are in charge of the remote?

Thanks for stopping by to wish Laila a Happy Birthday!

Cat said...

Homer you are so funny :-)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Homer, yoo made us really larf today! We are having a Royal Wedding party over at our blog tomorrow ~ and yoo and yoor fambly are all invited to attend, if yoo have time.

Rene said...

Hee hee, you tell her, Homer!

Jackie from Meow Family said...

Homer, you are so cool. Mom likes to watch tv shows on her computer, so I grab away her mouse sometimes so she can't have it. We should be friends!

The Monkeys said...

Homer, I love our remotes too and the girls always try to steal it from me. I'm on your side, buddy!


Zoolatry said...

Hey Homer!
Be sure to check your email, soon...
Your friends,
Maggy & Zoey

Daisy said...

I want to watch, too! I can't wait to find out about the wedding dress and such.