Wednesday, April 20, 2011


 Hey, come here, I have something to tell's real important.
 PPsssstttt...Come closer, I want you to be sure that you hear me.


Frank and I were just chillin' the other night..kicked back on the sofa and he jumps up and says...

Frankie:  you think you're so special because you can't see.

Me:  Do not

Frankie:  Do too

Me:  Not

Frankie:  Do too

Me:  Whatcha' gonna do about it? 

You gotta give him credit for trying!

Now listen up one more time, cuz I have something else to say

My friends over at Wendys LOL Spot featured me in a new post.  They are so funny over there.  Mommy and me were LOLing all night long.  You should check them out cuz if you're lucky, like I am, maybe you can be an LOL cat too.  I'm just sayin'!!


Kea said...

You guys are silly! Homer, do you wrassle with your siblings, like we do? :-P

-Fuzzy Tales

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww yay for your lovely Homer!!! Me and Charlie have just been over at Wendy's LOL'd spot!! Yay!!! You guys and gals are the best!!!

Awwww sweet Frankie - that's a great look!!

Take care

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mom started laffing..I don't think she'll ever quit! Making me go up and down on her lap! STOP it mom! Now she's going over to Wendy.'s..I'm doomed.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Pawsome LOL's!!! And what a silly boy you are, Frankie! It must be lots of fun living at your house, Homer!

The Monkeys said...

We think Frankie might want some of the attention you're getting, Homer! He does look adorable trying though.

We saw you on Wendy's LOL spot and LOL'd! We think you make a wonderful subject and Wendy is very funny! We love her humor.

CCL Wendy said...

This post is so well done! It would have made a great LOL, too!

I think Frankie is actually very empathetic -- too funny!

I'm so happy your LOL feature had such an effect on you, though I hope you were able to get to sleep.

Angel Simba said...

You know, Frankie is doing an excellent impression of you there, Homer. Mom loved watching the video of you and Frankie and his squeaky toy on the bed.

Cat said...

Frankis is a sweetie for trying :-) Yes, we saw you over at Wendy's and we laughed!!! Isn't she fantastic, she always makes us smile and laugh!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Good try, Frankie!! We'll go check you out at Wendy's LOL Spot, Homer!! We love to LOL!!


You make Momma smile every time she visits!
(FRankie is really sweet, isn't he?)

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Donna said...

HAHAHAhahaaaa.....omword.....what a flippin' Hoot!

Rene said...

LOL, Frankie just likes you so much that he wants to be just like you!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think Wendy did a fabulous job showing off your many talents Homer!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

ha ha ha! At least Frankie was trying to "see" your point of view! Homer, we think for you blind is no big thing.

We saw you at Wendy's LOL Spot and we just about wet our fur pantz laughing!

meowmeowmans said...

LOL. Frankie must love you very much to want to imitate you, Homer! :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I saw you over at Wendy's and it is brilliant. Hugs GJ x

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

ahh...this is my first time here! I think I want to move where you are! I like the puppy who wants to be like you. I think he loves you lots!!
