Monday, June 13, 2011


This is my brother Oliver.  He's 100 years old..I mean, 11 years old.  He hated me when I first came to live here.  He would hiss at me and pop me on the head.  Now he lets me share the same room with him.  Mommy calls it a miracle since he was the last holdout.  I love him and one day he is going to love me too.  I just know it.


The Island Cats said...

Homer, if he's sitting that close to you and not fighting with you, we think he may already love you!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hey! Thanks so much for visiting my mom and me. You are pawsome Homer! My mom rescued me from an awful situation too. She's trying to post that story tonight. Pee Ess - I think your brudder might be warming up to ya!

Bryan said...

Who wouldn't love you Homer!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, we think he already does love Zippy, she is old and cranky and if yoor allowed to stay in da same area den she loves yoo. By da way, she sez Oliver is her favorite mancat name and yoor brofur is really handsome.

Cat said...

That is fantastic progress Homer!!!

Freya's Staff said...

How can he not love you!!! I'll love you double to make up for it!

Fuzzy Tales said...

We agree, he already likes you just fine, Homer, otherwise he wouldn't let you lie so close to him! :-)

Sparkle said...

I think Oliver loves you a little bit already.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww wonderful Homer!! Me and Charlie think sweet Oliver is your bestest buddy now!! Yay!! Take care

Mr Puddy said...

I think Oliver is already love you, Homer : )
We cats don't get so close if we don't like each other.
And under the table together , He might can give you a kiss on top of your head my friend : )

The Monkeys said...

We're sure he'll love you soon, Homer! You're just so lovable!

Marg said...

Oh Homer, we just know that gorgeous Oliver loves you a little bit anyway. It is hard for any cat to fit into a group. You and Oliver will be snuggling very soon. Hope your whole family has a great day.

Rene said...

You guys look like happy brothers to me. :-)

Marg said...

Hi there Homer, we are back to let you know you have been tagged at our blog. Hope you are having a good day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Homer! Glad your brother Oliver is letting you sleep beside him.
I think that is a good sign that he likes you a little anyway.

Carolyn Watson-Dubisch said...

Just found your blog. What a story Homer has. He's a lucky kitty. :)

Bryan said...

Thanks for your comment. You helped remind me to recommend my local Humane Society. I have managed to get all the cats in my neighborhood spayed and neutered with the help of my neighbor.

ellie said...

That's cool that u two get along now. How could he not like u! :)

meowmeowmans said...

We just kow he'll love you, too, Homer! Looks to us like the mutual love has already started. :)

Ellen Whyte said...

Yeah, we think Oliver loves you too

Anonymous said...

We gave you an award! Go to our blog to pick it up.

xoxo Lars and James

Jacqueline said...

Adorable photo=Homer, of course, Oliver will love you, who could resist you, sweetie??...Have a fun week ahead, precious friends and we hope you all will be able to stop by for Sukki's Gotcha Day on Tuesday...smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel Simba said...

Hi, Homer. Oliver looks a bit like me. I am glad he is letting you share the same room.

Are you and Mommy OK? You haven't posted in a couple of weeks.

Katnip Lounge said...

Hi Homer, we miss you! We hope you and your Mommy are OK.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's great, Homer. Sometimes it takes a while.

Admiral Hestorb said...

i have missed you sweet Homer. mommy is all banged up so she isn't commenting much.

Anonymous said...

Hello friends,

After much back and forth with blogger.I was told today that they won't let me have re access to my blog for lack of information.I even filled out their form.Sent them photos of Ariel in email attachment to show them.Yet they said this proves nothing as anyone could crop a photo.How can I possibly give them the password lace and spice used to take over my blog.To lace and spice I'm not mad just disappointed that you had to steal my blog and could create one of your own.I was told by blogger I could create another blog yet I won't.Why because these are my posts,my photos,my blog,my fiends.So if you see any new posts there not from me.If you receive comments positive or negative there not me.I don't know if I and Ariel with ever create another blog.Yet if we do it so won't be with blogger.I suggest blogger up their security measures.Remember me Ariel love and miss you all.Blogger has really let us down.

Unknown said...

Hi Homer,
I am sorry to hear about the security hack! I made this video, and maybe it will cheer you up.


Video URL:

Freya's Staff said...

Hey Homer! We haven't heard from you for so long, and just popped by to check you're well and everything!

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Homer, we are laughing at your 100 years old joke. You are too cute. It so wonderful that you two get along so well. He does love you if your sharing the same napping quarters with each other. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals